Whether or not registering a WEEE number requires an insolvency-proof guarantee depends on whether B2B or B2C devices are put into circulation. It is only mandatory to deposit an insolvency-proof guarantee for electrical appliances that can be used in private households. This guarantee must be shown to finance the take-back and disposal of B2C equipment. Only after the guarantee certificate has been verified by stiftung ear and recognised as insolvency-proof will the registration process be continued.
What is the purpose of the insolvency-proof guarantee?
If no manufacturer/distributor or authorised representative is registered for a certain type of equipment and therefore no take-back and disposal of the waste equipment can be obligated by means of what is known as a collection order, ElektroG stipulates that the public waste disposal authorities carry out these disposals themselves and stiftung ear reimburses the costs using the deposited guarantee money.
What does the guarantee cost me?
The guarantee certificate must be provided every calendar year. The guarantee amount is the amount required to ensure disposal will be financed in the event of a guarantee claim.
The guarantee amount is calculated using the following formula:
Quantity of equipment in t (per type of equipment) x expected return rate in % x expected average disposal conditions in €/t
The guarantee parameters ‘expected return rate and expected average disposal conditions’ are stipulated in the ear rule book. These are regularly checked and, in some cases, adjusted.
What options are available for depositing the guarantee – types of guarantee
- Surety or guarantee at the first request of a bank or credit insurer
- Depositing security deposits with the local court
These guarantees are ‘manufacturer-specific’ guarantees. This means that the manufacturer/distributor or authorised representative himself takes care of depositing the securities.
With what is known as a ‘collective guarantee’, you have the option of purchasing the guarantees required for registration from a guarantee service provider.
With the guarantee solution from www.garantie-elektrogesetz.de, there is
- No obligation to make provisions on the balance sheet
- No burden on the line of credit and liquidity
- No creditworthiness check is carried out when the insolvency-proof guarantee is issued
- Garantie Elektrogesetz, a service from the recognised, collective guarantee system by DR Deutsche Recycling Service GmbH.
With Garantie Elektrogesetz, you do not pay the total guarantee amount calculated on the basis of the respective parameters, but you instead are given the conditions of our institutional guarantor without any commission surcharge, namely 0.34% p.a. for all types of equipment, except for PV modules used in private households.
Our services

WEEE National (GER-GER)
Are you a manufacturer or distributor of electrical appliances within Germany?This means you are subject to the German Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroGesetz). In Germany the WEEE directive is enforced by the authority of stiftung ear.

WEEE International (INT-GER)
If you are a supplier or manufacturer from abroad and want to sell your products on the German market, you are also subject to the German ElektroG. In Germany the WEEE directive is enforced by the authority of stiftung ear.

WEEE International (INT-INT)
Are you a manufacturer or distributor of electrical devices supplying your products on different international markets? In this case you are subject to the international WEEE directive, which, depending on the specific country, has been implemented by different national laws and regulations.
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