In accordance with European packaging regulation (Packaging Waste Directive 94/62/EG) as well es further international regulations, anyone who puts goods into circulation on the Europion Union’s markets- or on the markets of some Non-EU countries-is also responsible fort he correct return and recycling of the packaging in the supplied countries. Those general packaging guidlines are implemented through country-specific models of licensing.
Consequently, in practice it can be very complicated to meet all different national standards and keep track on the specific costs of licensing at the same time, especiallly, because there is no European or international registration point fort he transport or sale packaging put into circulation.
Deutsche Recycling disposes of a long-lasting experience and the necessary expertise to compy with the country-specific packaging regulations the best way possible. That’s why we will take care of elaborating optimized international packaging solutions.
Our services
Full-Service „Packaging licensing“*
- Needs assesment
- Choosing the right return and recycling system (e.g. dual system)
- Quantity notification
- Reportings
- Billing and documentation
- Global expertise
* all services can also be booked separately
- Economically efficient solutions due to costumized optimization
- Actions conforming with the law help you to avoid penalties and fines
- Reduction oft he time-consuming training of your own employees
- Legal Monitoring guarantees the successful adjustment to current changes in the German packaging law (VerpackG), the EU packaging directive or other international and national regulations
- Global expertise in relation the the country-specific requirements
- Recycling in Germany: German packaging law (VerpackG)
- Recycling in Europe: EU packaging directive (94/62/EG)
- Recycling worldwide: Various international regulations fort he return and disposal of transport and sales packaging
- National regulations, especially for disposal
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