Recycling Symbols: Decoding Their Meaning
Manufacturers and retailers often find themselves facing many questions related to the complex regulations of packaging laws: “Do packages need to be labeled with a recycling symbol?” “Is there a labeling requirement in Germany?” and “What about other countries like Italy or France?” To cut to the chase, in Germany, there is no directive mandating the presence of a recycling symbol on packaging. However, voluntary labeling can bring some advantages, such as building trust with your customers. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at recycling symbols, delve into what they mean, and clarify the significance of recycling codes.
Various recycling symbols are used in the recycling industry to identify materials for reuse. Recycling symbols, accompanied by recycling codes and material abbreviations, facilitate identification and proper disposal. While in Germany, the use of these labels is voluntary, it is mandatory in Italy according to national legislation. The different regulatory approaches reflect the diversity of international recycling strategies and underscore the importance of local laws in promoting recycling efforts.

What Is The Meaning of Recycling Symbols on Packaging?
They can be found on many retail packages: recycling symbols. The most prominent is the symbol consisting of three arrows arranged in a triangle with a number, the recycling code, in the center. Their purpose is to enable consumers to immediately recognize what the packaging is made of and how it should be properly recycled. Recycling symbols on packaging thus facilitate the recycling process and help ensure reuse. The labeling of recycling symbols is regulated according to Annex 5 of the Packaging Act. Here, the recycling symbols with arrows in the triangle, along with recycling codes, are specified and must not be altered. Otherwise, fines may be imposed on manufacturers, retailers, or importers of the respective packaging, under the extended producer responsibility.
Why Do We Have Recycling Codes?
Recycling codes, as an important element for a functioning circular economy, consist of at least two, but up to three elements:
- Visual recycling symbols (black arrows in the shape of a triangle)
- Recycling number in the center of the triangle
- Optional material abbreviation below the triangle
The material abbreviation indicates which material group the material belongs to. These include plastics, cardboard and paper, metals, wood, and others.
Here’s what the recycling codes mean in detail:
Plastics Material Group:
01 Polyethylene terephthalate (PET)
02 High-density polyethylene (HDPE)
03 Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
04 Low-density polyethylene (LDPE)
05 Polypropylene (PP)
06 Polystyrene (PS)
Cardboard and Paper Material Group (PAP):
20 Cardboard & Paper
21 Other cardboard
22 Paper
Aluminum Material Group:
41 Aluminum
Wood Material Group:
50 Wood
Recycling Symbols on Packaging in Germany – Mandatory or Optional?
In Germany, recycling symbols are not subject to any legal directives. This means that as a company or manufacturer, you are free to have such symbols printed on your packaging. To clarify: According to the Packaging Act (VerpackG), you are not obligated to attach recycling symbols to your packaging.
What About the Well-Known “Der Grüne Punkt” on Packaging?
Previously, it was indeed mandatory to print “Der Grüne Punkt” on packaging. However, this obligation was abolished with the 5th amendment of the Packaging Ordinance as early as 2008. Today, concluding a symbol usage agreement with “Der Grüne Punkt – Duales System Deutschland GmbH” is voluntary and entails an annual fee. But beware, there is an exception regarding your labeling obligation with recycling symbols. This is different according to § 31 Paragraph 1 VerpackG for disposable beverage packaging subject to the deposit obligation.
Mandatory Information by Retailers of Beverage Packaging
If you market beverages in disposable or reusable packaging, you must immediately, clearly, and visibly label them with the following information:
- “Einweg” for disposable packaging
- “Mehrweg” for reusable packaging with filling volumes of up to 3.0 liters
Why Still Consider Recycling Symbols on Packaging?
Although recycling symbols are not legally required, at least in Germany, it can be worthwhile to still include them on packaging. On one hand, it builds trust with customers and helps them make informed purchasing decisions. On the other hand, they significantly support correct separation and sorting already at the consumer level, making the entire circular economy more effective. This is especially relevant within the framework of extended producer responsibility. Participation in such a take-back system is crucial for compliance with the Packaging Act.
And What About Other Countries?
Not everywhere is the labeling with recycling symbols optional. In other countries, there is a labeling requirement that you must comply with if you market packaging there. If you want to market packaged goods in countries like France, Italy, or the United Kingdom, you should inform yourself in advance about the applicable regulations.
Italy and Recycling Symbols
In Italy, the obligation of environmental labeling has applied to all packaging since January 2023, whether B2B or B2C. The recycling symbols include plastic collection with “raccolta plastica” and paper collection with “raccolta carta.” Packaging must be labeled with these abbreviations along with a number. Household packaging in private households also requires specific disposal instructions. Additionally, all components that can be separated must be individually labeled.
Spain and Recycling Symbols
There is a labeling requirement under the Packaging Law in Spain for household packaging for end customers. Important: The symbol must also be clearly visible after opening the packaging. Similarly, each individual unit must bear its own label in the case of multiple sales units. There is a mandatory labeling requirement for electrical and electronic devices. Medicines must be marked with the SIGRE symbol. Collection points are organized in pharmacies. There is a voluntary labeling requirement regarding recycling symbols such as recycling codes, the Tidyman symbol, or the Möbius symbol.
France and Recycling Symbols
Like in Italy, the mandatory labeling with recycling symbols is required under the EPR in France. However, only household packaging, i.e., B2C packaging, is affected. The recycling symbol “Triman logo” has found its place on packaging since September 9, 2022. A sorting instruction is also provided.
We Support You with Recycling Symbols on Packaging in Other Countries
Do you distribute your products in other countries and are unsure whether your packaging needs to bear a recycling symbol? We are happy to assist you. Within comprehensive consultation, we determine which legal obligations you must fulfill and, if desired, initiate implementation in accordance with the Packaging Act. As you can see in the case of recycling symbols, national guidelines often deviate significantly from EU laws and interpretations. While recycling symbols on packaging are voluntary here, environmental labeling in Italy is unavoidable. Violations can result in high penalties in the form of fines. Our experts bring extensive knowledge and are familiar with all legal requirements placed on you. Always up to date, we guarantee you absolute legal certainty. Since you save effort and potential costs by using our services, it pays off in many ways. Don’t lose track of country-specific requirements. We, at Deutsche Recycling GmbH, support you with comprehensive services in meeting your environmental compliance. Take advantage of our compliance check and find out immediately what requirements you need to meet regarding recycling symbols, as well as many other EPR regulations.